Why I love Halloween


Hello Halloween fans!!! My name is Amber. I'm working on my Halloween Blog and would like to share images, recipes, stories, deals whatever it is that is related to fall, Halloween, and anything spooky (except for clowns, forget that!!!!). 

I am working with an extremely slow hp laptop so please forgive me if I don't post a lot on here. 

I created this blog because I Love Halloween so much and I feel like it should be shared with the world. 

I hope to one day to get a youtube started on all my halloween finds but I need the equipment first and that can be costly so for now I'll make some videos on my phone.

My love for Halloween started when I was really young. My grandma and grandaddy were very into Halloween and made it fun for all the grandkids. The neighborhood my grandparents lived in was always filled with kids trick or treating. I just fell in love with the season of fall and everything that came with it. The change of weather in Alabama at the time was perfect. Now October is pretty much still summer weather here and its miserable, but back in the 90's the weather was perfect. I loved going door-to-door getting candy and having a fun time with my siblings and my cousins.

me in the early 90's 

Halloween is very different now since most churches do trunk-or-treat and less neighborhoods do door-to-door now. As a mom now to a 8 year old and a 4 year old, I actually prefer trunk-or-treats or drive-thru trunk-or-treats. Due to covid, one year we took our kids to a drive thru t/t and it was soooo much easier. I didn't have to get the kids out and they ended up getting more candy than they usually would. Once my kids get older I would like to take them to more neighboorhoods that do door-to-door. 

Me, my cousins and siblings with my grandma

I couldn't image now having my kids go trick or treating like I did when I was younger, of course it was grandparents neighborhood and eventually became a neighboorhood I lived in. And we was with a huge group of kids too, but how things have changed in this world  I wouldnt want them going alone.

Some things I enjoy about halloween are all the colors, the decorations, the candy, the movies and so much more. I have some people who think I'm weird for loving Halloween as much as I do, but no one understands that it reminds me of my grandparents who are no longer here anymore. It brings back happier times for me as well. 

That is all I will write about it for now cause its making me emotional plus its bed time lol. 

Stay tuned in. I will try to post pics of my recent yard sale finds.

Stay Spooky



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